"One thing I ask of the LORD, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD and to seek him in his temple." Psalm 27:4

26 March 2007

How do we gain ground in our cities?

Today I read the following article by John Dawson about "Taking Our Cities for God." I was hit by the realization that God has a purpose for our cities and that we must focus on the potential and the good qualities of our cities as we engage in spiritual warfare. We must not only pray against the sins and the principalities which are in control over our cities, but we must see our cities for what the Lord would have them be. Dawson offers a prayer based model of how we can be more effective intercessors for the city, town, or area that we live in. He talks about not only how to take ground, but to keep ground.


I was prompted to search for essays concerning spiritual warfare after listening to Rick Joyner's message, "Discerning Principalities and Powers" from the most recent Spirtual Warfare & Deliverance Conference at Morning Star. I learned a lot from that talk as well and I'll be posting the notes later this week.

May we be willing to stand in the gap for our cities, and may the Lord open our eyes as he shows us how to do so.

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