"One thing I ask of the LORD, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD and to seek him in his temple." Psalm 27:4

12 January 2007

Desiring God and for His Name to be Glorified in All the Earth

I was looking through my files and found a prayer I had typed out on Feb 25th, 2006. It really inspired me to keep on praying and crying out to know God

With just one pulse of your heart I’m in love. Oh God make me faint with love for you. Oh God give others around me a yearning to know you and to love you. God establish me in my identity. I am your beloved and I love you. Let me be like David, let me understand this reality. Let me understand that I AM MY BELOVED’S AND HIS DESIRE IS FOR ME. Let this be my identity. Let this be who I am. I am the beloved of God. Oh God I pray for those around me. Let them yearn to love you. Let them yearn to know your pure and holy love that is like no other. Let him right now want what I have. Let him want it not because of me but because only can satisfy. Only you can truly satisfy God. Only you can fulfill us. Lord let the people here realize their emptiness and want you. God show them that although they fear you they do not know you. Your people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. Open their hearts. Open their minds. Oh God give them wisdom and revelation of who you are. Give them wisdom and revelation that they need you and that you love them. Show them that you created them to be a lover. Oh God have mercy on the people here. Bring them into your family. Let them be a part of your Bride. Show them how you feel about them. Give them revelation of your emotions, of how your heart is grieved for them to love you. Oh God glorify yourself. Redeem people for your namesake. Go after their hearts. Let them crown you with their love. Let it be a crown of jewels on your head. Let is glorify you. Lord you are the king of kings the Lord of lords. People on every shore should worship you. People of every tongue and tribe and nation. God GLORIFY YOURSELF. The purpose of the created order is to glorify you. You created P* and the people here to bring glory to your name. So bring it! You created A and the people there to bring glory to your name. So bring it! Glorify yourself. For your namesake, let your name be shamed here no longer. Let people sing love songs to you here. Let them dance in the streets to celebrate you. Let them praise your holy name. let them rejoice in your salvation.

· “Touch me.” Reach out and grab hold of all that I have for you. Touch me. Encounter me. See me face to face. The veil has been torn in two. Touch me. Grab hold of me. Grasp my hand. There’s so much that I have for you. The only thing holding you back is yourself."

This is still a promise for you. This is still a promise for today. Just reach out and touch me. I stand at the door and knock. Oh how my heart is grieved, waiting for my people to come today and say “Do what only you can do, come and fan the flame.” We come to you knowing that we can’t even desire you without your divine intervention. We can live deep on the inside. He gives us the desire to pray. He gives us the desire to cry out. Oh God just come and do it. We need to humble ourselves and continually realize that we can do nothing good on our own account. We can do nothing good by striving. We are made strong by admitting our frailty and our weaknesses to Him, and allowing to come in and do the work.

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