"One thing I ask of the LORD, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD and to seek him in his temple." Psalm 27:4

20 October 2006

Study the Enemy - Build up a Wall of Intercession

On praying into Eph 6 I was getting the following –

Study the enemy. Be a spy in the enemy camp, a secret operative in enemy territory. Fear not for I am with you. I will send my angels to protect you and guide you. I will give you insight. You must study the enemy. Study their strategies. Know what and who you’re up against so you can make a strategy. Be fully dressed in your armor. The shield of faith will go before you. I will go before you.

Study the enemy in the Word. May the demons know your name.

L may be a walled city but there are no defenses. Who will stand in the gap? It may be surrounded by armies an cantonments, but the enemy easily passes through unnoticed. Be a wall. Be a watchmen. L is overtaken by the enemy and she doesn’t even know. She invites him in. She sits, “I am the jewel of the orient. No one can touch me.” Yet she doesn’t know good and evil. Let us sing for her. Let us climb the mountain. There the lions and the leopards roam, but we can walk straight into the advancing army, for the shield of faith distinguishes their arrows.

Someone must sound the alarm. How can they escape if they don’t know they are in the midst of the flames? Let us realize that our defenses are down and the enemy is steadily advancing What are we gonna do about it? Oh God put up a wall. May we stand in the gap. May we form a wall around this city in the heavenly realm.

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