"One thing I ask of the LORD, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD and to seek him in his temple." Psalm 27:4

07 December 2005

Stirring up Prayer in NH

This morning I was able to travel to Monadnock Bible Conference to share at a pastors' prayer meeting. I had been invited to share about Pak but had felt led to focus the talk on what it means to be a forerunner and for our churches to be postured in a place of corporate worship, fasting and prayer. It was so encouraging to talk to and pray with these pastors and the MBC staff. God is really stirring up a unity to press into prayer and fasting in NH. Several pastors were confessing that they have been bogged down with busyness and have neglected spending time in prayer. One pastor prayed, "For all of our busyness, what have we done? We are just like the community around us and the only thing that will break this is wholehearted consecration and voluntary weakness before You." The anointing of the Holy Spirit was on this prayer meeting as we all cried out asking God to restore the church as a house of prayer. It was such a privelige to be part of "summoning the elders and all those who live in the land," to press into a fasted lifestyle.

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