"One thing I ask of the LORD, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD and to seek him in his temple." Psalm 27:4

06 April 2008

What won't we be able to do in heaven?

At a Che Ahn conference there were two things he said that really stuck out to me.

Of the different purposes that God created us for, which of them won't we be able to do in heaven?

- Worship
- Discipleship
- Fellowship
- Ministry (to members of the body)
- Evangelism

It's only Evangelism, sharing the good news, that we won't be able to do for eternity. We have only this life to do it.

Che Ahn also said, "If I talk to someone for more than fifteen minutes, I see that person as someone I need to share the gospel with."

Che shared that he always gets his hair cut a different place so that he can share with a new person each time!

Pray for us that we would also have this attitude. Right now, we find it difficult to share with many people we meet due to inadequate language skills, but pray for those who can speak English that we would be bold in our witness. May we may not be ashamed of the gospel, which is the power of salvation for all who believe.

  • Pray for the two AC installation men who we gave tracts to yesterday

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